The rest of your life

So here we go.  My person and I have decided we need to create a blog to speak the real truth to moms who are going through a separation or divorce.  Because you know something? The unraveling of your life, whether you wanted it or not, is a heartbreaking, crying on the kitchen floor, eating popcorn and drinking wine because it's all you can stomach event.  And no one, NO ONE, deserves to go through that alone.  THANK GOD I had Miranda, or else I'd likely still be crying on the kitchen floor trying to decide if I actually could be a good mom and employee and person for one more day or if it made more sense to just stay on the kitchen floor crying with the dogs confused face and criticizing myself for not mopping the floor more often.

Here's what we want to talk about on our blog, in no specific order because we have had wine and have three daughters and no boyfriends to speak of to help us with said organizing our thoughts is not exactly high on the to do list.  (Although Miranda's biker lover is high on that to do list...more about that later).

Divorce:  The Early Stages
Dating:  Why it's awesome and why you might cry from the crazy of it all
Kids:  Doing your best to keep them happy and healthy during a huge change
Sex:  Why you want it and how to get it
Friends:  Learning who the good ones are and how to cut out the toxic ones
